Rubus cuneifolius

Sand Blackberry

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  • Rubus cuneifolius

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Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

No Export to These Countries

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: warm stratify for 90 days, cold stratify for 90 days
Germination: sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Discover Rubus cuneifolius - Sand Blackberry, a versatile shrubby plant that effortlessly adapts to different soil types and sun exposure conditions. This unique blackberry species boasts biennial stems that fruit in their second year, offering a bountiful yield from a perennial rootstock. Grown comfortably in well-drained loamy soil, under either direct sunlight or semi-shade, it reaches a modest height of 2 ft and flourishes in climates down to the hardiness of zone 6. From June to July, this deciduous shrub stunningly displays its flowers.
Whether in semi-shade (such as light woodland) or fully exposed to the sun, this resilient blackberry plant is a great addition to your garden. Part of the diverse genus Rubus, with family members including cultivated and wild blackberries and raspberries - a versatile fruit bearer that promises a rich harvest.

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269 NY-34 Locke NY 13092

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